Proverbs 19:17

 He who is kind and generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done.
It is easy to go through life with the mind of "it's not's not enough". By nature, we were created to recognize the fact that it's we first then ....
We were created to survive and always know that there is not enough. Our genes have been made to think about ourselves alone and how we survive in the world of scarcity.

This fact that thrives within us is not supposed to be proved true. There are several results that God has set for those that prove such rules wrong. You know, when you try to go against human nature and try to mimic the nature of God, you attract more of what God has set for the cause. As the human nature is self centered and self seeking, stepping out of such to pursue kindness and open hands attracts God's attracts the rewards.

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. This act showed the open hands God had to humanity. Whoever mimics such character of having open hands attracts more of God. And what does God have? His properties ranges from gold, diamonds, emeralds, Sapphire, to things beyond knowledge.

The verse of today talks about being generous to the poor. And what happens, you become a lender to God. When you give to the poor you make God owe you. You join the tribe of lenders.
There is no verse in the Bible where God says He will owe things to someone like He does it with giving. And of course His collateral is high notch's in gold, emeralds...and so on.
Lending of course attracts interest on it. The money Lent out comes back more than it went out. And for this case, the things given to the poor come back in more measure. 
Do not wait for God to pour out His blessings because you pray to become wealthy. He desires you to give . He desires you have open hands. This is where He will open the flood gates of heaven to pour out so much blessing. There is no record of a generous person who was known to be poor. Giving is a sign that you have more and God should continue to bless you to help .
Be generous in this tribe, God will workout to see you compensated in full.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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