"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
Practically, a boss doesn't promote a worker unless they have shown the ability of management. They have to show that they can control the little they have been entrusted with.
The Lord cannot give you beyond what you may not control.
The servants who were given little and showed ultimate ability to control were given more. The servant who showed inability to manage the little he was given was left with nothing. The Lord gives us responsibilities, but what degree of control do we show.?
You want to the Lord to promote you at you workplace, but you have failed to take care of the five christians that He has put under your control.
You want God to expand your business so that you may have more stores, but you have failed to balance the time you spend in God's ministry and in your business; and so If He gave you more, meaning you totally have no time for him.... And to save you , He will preserve you with the small business He has given you so that atleast you can have time for Him.
We limit God's blessing by the way we manage our few given resources including time. And especially failing to manage spiritual given responsibilities and our business. Jesus said of what value is it to gain this whole world and loose your soul; so If God realizes that you can't balance between your soul and body, He would rather let you have the little with your body and have the time for your soul. If you would like to progress further; like the wise servants, manage and fully control the little God has given you so that He can be convinced that giving you more will make you a better servant.
# *Simon kutosi
_4th msg_
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