But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Naturally, you cannot give something to someone if feel there is nothing you gain from them.
The Lord wants your heart. He wants you to always think about Him. He wants you to always worship Him from all angles.
Therefore, it is unjust for you to expect Him to work on you before you work on Him. It is unnatural for you to seek the world's comforts before you seek Him. It is unnatural for you to praise your life and other things before praising Him.
And because of such void, He has enacted a law for which all His kids have to follow in order to get what they want from His beautiful worlds.... seeking Him first. So that if He has your heart His rest assured that there will be nothing that will separate you from His love.
Seeking Him first is building a positive reputation with Him. Doing things that He will remember you for. If it's in serving, you do serve continuously without fail until He remembers you for that. In such a state, your desires will be His desires .And when you ask with such a great reputation by your side all will follow.
# *Simon kutosi
_24th msg_
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