                     *BUILDING A REPUTATION*.

 _INTRO_ : A reputation is what somebody or an organization is known for. The person could be known within a group of people , an organization or a larger geographical area e.g a country. A reputation enables people to attach value to you, or your organization and it also enables God to attach value to you through mutual relationships.

 _PROB_ : We sound lukewarm, we don't run defined life and we have not defined who we are to build on that.

 _PURP_ : To enable us build on a personality and values that will be appreciated by God and in our community.

   >>>Humans have been designed to be different from others and because of their difference, they are meant to cause a difference in whatever area they have been positioned . God expects a difference from you. The difference will come as you build a positive reputation ; so how do we build the reputation.

* Acts 10:1-4 At Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, a centurion in what was known as the Italian Regimen. .2 He and all his family were devout and God-fearing; he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly. .3 One day at about three in the afternoon he had a vision. He distinctly saw an angel of God, who came to him and said, "Cornelius!" .4 Cornelius stared at him in fear. "What is it, Lord?" he asked. The angel answered, "Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God.

   A reputation is that major thing(s) that you are known for among your people. It is that major thing(s) that God knows you for in your relationship with him. It is that major thing(s) that your community understands about you; so that if we speak of your name they will recall what you do that is outstanding.
   It is those things that whenever people talk about your business, they recall the outstanding qualities you present in the business. It may be the recurring quality of goods you produce, it may be the recurring quality of services that you offer to your customers. They are things you are well known for. 
   A reputation relies on your strengths not on your weaknesses. It is such outstanding reputation that will attach Great value to you. People cannot attach value to your business unless you have a positive reputation. 
   Your heavenly house can be built strongly if you present a positive reputation. The heavenly house is not built from the open; it is built block by block according to the things you do. For them to build it consistently you need a positive reputation.
   Cornelius was known for gifts and prayers to the poor; and God knew him for that. He was well known among people; he was known both in heaven and on Earth.
   Job was known to offer sacrifices to God after his sons had feasts.
   When we talk of Serwadda, we recall his mega church and his teachings. When we talk of T.B Joshua we will recall his miracles and large following; but when we talk about you what comes to people's mind........ _building a reputation_ Both in spirit and body what are you known for.
   The mighty people we know today did not become mighty without sowing seeds of positive reputation. The musicians, billionaires ,great ministers we see today have built their fraternity from Days of the past . They used the rightful seeds to sow the great reputation we see today . You cannot build a great reputation if you don't have the right seeds to sow.
  What have you embacked on to do as a minister? In most cases we expect great results from where we have not sowed rightful seeds.
   Some men in the times of apostle were tempted to cast out demons from some mad fellow; but the demons replied that for Paul - we know; and the name of Jesus you are using - we know; but who are you?.... they looked "anganzz". The Bible says that they received such a beating that made them run out of the house naked . It was because they had no outstanding repetition in the spirit.
   When we look at our relationship with God, a strong relationship will require a strong reputation you should have a seed to sow to strengthen your relationship . It may be a seed of prayer, a seed of giving to others ,seed of evangelism; seeds that push your heart closer to God.
 Cornelius had two major seeds he sowed in his relationship with God [prayer and gifts ]
Select one thing that you can do ,do it well and God will remember you for that always. 
It is such values that appreciate over time that will leave a great reptation.

 In 2 chronicles 2:4...we see king solomon building a temple from which he was remembered for. He set a difference that was impactful.
  People cannot feel your impact unless you set forth a difference. It is the difference that changes people's lives from a former way. It is the difference that sets you apart from the rest. You cannot build a great reputation if you are doing what everyone else is doing. The value that you set forth should set a difference. The individuals that we well know in the Bible are known for the difference they set. Moses is known for having brought the Israelites out of Egypt. Job is known for his perseverance under the great trial ....which no one could do.
   Setting a difference relies on your strengths. You cannot do what you can do best if you rely on your weaknesses. The differences that we have imply that we hava different strengths and we have different weaknesses . Therefore making the best to use of your strengths makes a distinct difference. Relying on your strength to make a difference helps you have a positive repetition.
 Look at what is needful among your people . The difference depends on the untackled needs of your community and in your environment.

Daniel 6:3. Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.

    Right now companies employee workers that set a positive difference and have different reputation . Business that are succeeding are ones that are setting the needful difference.
    You cannot be known for the difference you have not created . Your repetition is in your difference. In your home make a difference - you are different. In your business environment make a difference - you are different. In your job and community make a difference - you are different.
    Daniels promotion lied in the difference he created . What you need to do to succeed lies in the difference you are supposed to create - make a difference. The reputation you are supposed to build lies in the difference you are supposed to create - make the difference . The greatest mark you will create in your life lies in the difference you are supposed to make. The greatest person you are supposed to become lies in the difference you are supposed to make, make a difference.
   What will make you excel in your business is the setting the difference that customers are looking for. What will make you distinguished from your colleagues at work is setting a difference that can be appreciated. What will make Good distinguish you from the rest is carrying out what you are supposed to do ; and what you are supposed to do is different... do it .... _building a reputation_...

Daniel 6:10 Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.

   Discipline is doing what you are supposed to do at the right time ,in the right place and in the right amounts. The values you are supposed to do have to be done in the right amounts and at the right times. Daniel had to pray everyday and that was his discipline and in the terms of amounts he prayed three times a day. Cornelius had to pray and give gifts to the poor whenever he met them but in terms of amount he prayed and gifted every day .
  Whatever values you set forth, you should set discipline. 
   When sowing seeds In the garden, you have to sort seeds, dry them, plant them and water them - that is discipline which will enable the crops to grow. 
    Daniel had a discipline in his value prayer. It was because of this that enabled men looking for charges against him to spot him . It was discipline that stimulated his promotion. Therefore, setting up discipline along your values strengthens the purpose of values in your life. It is such given bunches of discipline that will write positive information in people's minds about you.
 Disciplines bring to people's attention what you are fond of doing . 
   Discipline is fuel to your seed of repetition. It is discipline that will enable you produce the desired fruits from your sowed seeds. You cannot yield positive fruits from the seeds unless you have the necessary right inputs....i mean doing the necessary discipline.
   The best runners come to be best after continuous discipline. They continuously run every single day, gaining skill and experience until the final day. It is discipline that will make your different values stand a test of time.
 Discipline is key to building a wholesome reputation .
   Daniel couldn't have built his reputation if he had no discipline in what he did . Cornelius couldn't have built a strong reputation of prayer and gifts to the poor if he had no right discipline. Maybe Cornelius would set aside some of the things he earned from crops and trade to give to the poor in need - that is discipline.
We have failed to build our lives over time because of lack of discipline in what we undertake to do .
   We build and at the same time we destroy. What you do now is not what you are doing the following day; today you are positive and the following day you are negative today you offered quality but the following day you offer low quality , today you prayed and tomorrow you don't ,today you tithed and tomorrow you don't... you are building and at the same time you are unbuilding .
   Check yourself if today people are knowing you for this but tomorrow it is a different case, check yourself. You are not building a reputation.
    Discipline is a character of persistence ,character of tolerance . Your business cannot see light if you don't set the rightful discipline with the rightful amounts to see your reputation becoming strong . If it is the products you want to avail with cheaper prices ...and that is your value then you will need a discipline of opening your shop at given times . Opening the shop everyday is discipline and at given times; from this time to that time is the amount . What is the right discipline you have laid down to see the light of success in what you do?

   Setting discipline in place along your values, you now need to be totally subject to your values. 
Remember values are what is setting you apart from the rest; and so, it is what is going to make you see the light of success.
    It is the values that you cherish that are going to drive you most of your life . It is the values that you are setting with the discipline in them that are going to occupy you most of your life . So these values have to be on the list of your widely important goals every year ; year in year out. 
    Values define who You are because generating them depends on your strength and on your personality and therefore you need to be subject to them more than anything else . In your business the values you have set to make the difference need you to be subject to them in order to build a strong reputation.
   Mercy Chinwo, a popular gospel musician recently was a best woman on a wedding of Guc - a musician in the same company. She was the person supposed to take care of the Bride ,but no matter her position ,she showed that still she had to sing on the wedding ; singing her popular songs. And not only on the wedding , but whenever she goes to official visits she sings. Being with her friends and she has chance she sings ; singing every time she has chance. Mercy is subject to her value - singing. It is this kind of being subject that has enabled her build a reputation.
   You should always think about your values everyday and how to improve on them daily. In all your expressions you should express your values. When talking to others talk your values ,when initiating a project think of how your values will appear . This kind of behavior shows strong loyalty to your values.

✓. The success of Our lives lies in our reputation before God and before men and wherever we stay.
✓ You should define your seeds that set a difference, build the discipline and be subject to the values.
 ✓The reputation that will stand a test of time lies in the different person you are - set the difference.

By kutosi Simon.
Sunday 3rd April 2022.

                            _77th msg_


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