"'If in spite of this you still do not listen to me but continue to be hostile toward me, .28 then in my anger I will be hostile toward you, and I myself will punish you for your sins seven times over.
Many times, we do wrong God...and many times He does warn us. He is a God of second chance.
He gives us signals concerning our sins and the wrong we have done. He doesn't wake up one morning to punish sin that you yourself are not fully aware.
The consequences that come after sin come from sins we are much aware.
The problem at times is that we heed not to the warning of God. We give it a cold shoulder as though we think we not guilty enough of what they say we have done.
God's punishment of sin comes after a series of warnings. The warning may come from fellow people. It may come through dreams or through visions. It could also come as convictions that you may mistake for mere instincts.
The spirit doesn't need talk aloud about your sin before you realize that it is serious. He doesn't need to necessarily talk in a loud voice as though your friend would be talking to you. He talks to your heart. What you may call mere thought or mere instincts could be the spirit talking.
But how many times have we ignored the warning of the spirit that come through instincts. And how many consequences do you think God has let come to our lives because of the ignorance we give to the instincts. God is of chances. Do what is right before the chances get done.
# * Simon kutosi
_38th msg_
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