 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.

The people in darkness speak according to the knowledge they are endowed with in that realm. They act according to spirits they are ministered to. They lead their lives in accordance with the authorities of darkness.

We were once in that realm of darkness. But now since christ has brought us to the higher realm in light; The realm in which we access deep knowledge of God, and behold the presence of His spirit, we need to live as children of light not darkness. 

We need to speak of light. We need to sing psalms of light not of darkness. We need to bear the fruits of christ. Dear brethrens, light is above darkness, it is more effective. Practically, People in darkness can see light easily. Do you think the people around you see you as light easily; In your speech, and actions; are you the light they need? In ministry, are you the light people are looking for; in your school, business and all walks of your life? Live to be light to those who need light.  

# *Simon kutosi.
                                  _3rd msg_


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