 In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. Selah

 Emotions are one of the critical components of the heart. It is them that drive you to reach your ends. It is the very ones that build or unbuild your relationships with others. They can destroy your relationship with God. 

Anger is not sin according to the above scripture. But it is a smooth path to sin according to the human nature anyway. It is not sin because even somewhere Within scripture, God got angry as the israelites became big headed and stubborn. But to human nature, you can easily be promoted to do or say something wrong because of burning anger. You know when you become angry, you are at times totally buried in emotions and thus blinded. You become blind in such a way that you forget all about your actions and act and react as the emotion leads.

To avoid the evils that arise because of anger, you need to go silent and release the emotions. Silence means being alone or keeping quiet amidst the trouble.

On the other hand, down the scripture, there is a command of silence and search. That when you go to rest, think about all that your heart is . The anger is caused by the nature of the heart. Some failures are caused by the nature of the heart. Your heart is a generator and degenerator. It has the power to cause. The heart dictates your life.
And so , it is very important to search the heart and release all the negative emotions written on it at that time.

# *Simon kutosi 
                                  _44th msg_


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