 Early in the morning they left for the Desert of Tekoa. As they set out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, "Listen to me, Judah and people of Jerusalem! Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful."

 Faith is the connection between souls. It is a medium through which spiritual power is connected to souls. It is a heart to heart "inter-code". 

You cannot get the fullest of God if you don't have a strong "inter-code" ; a connection to His endless resources. You cannot get to His full stores if there is no faith; faith as a believe that let's God yield His spirit to you. It is faith that draws your spirit to the spiritual realms .

In God's systems, there is hierarchy; which is full of servants. From one servant to the other. And for that case, His power and resources flow through such systems of services. One servant serves in one way and the other servant in another way. All ministering the different powers of God.
As humans, He has put watchmen over us. But like we said that faith is the "inter-code" for spiritual power; and that these watchmen are servants of God's universal power, you have to have faith in them. Have faith in your pastors, prophets, apostles and leader; even your servant @WITHIN SCRIPTURE....- Simon k. Have faith and succeed through whatever God has endowed in them. They are to lead you somewhere to a God given destiny; and so God has given them the necessary tools. Even if you may not realize that. To be successful, draw faith to God and His servants.

# *Simon kutosi 
                                  _43rd msg_


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