Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. .9 You will rule them with an iron scepter; you will dash them to pieces like pottery."

In most cases, one thing that the Lord puts forward as a password for tapping into the spiritual resources is Prayer. It is asking Him that will open wide such flood gates of heaven; pouring out the unlimited resources.

Prayer is not a plain password. It is a relationship.
One thing that God wants to build with us is a strong relationship. It is through such strong bonds that make us part of God's spirit. And it is this being part of the greatest heavenly realm that gives us authority to open wide the flood gates. The stronger the relationships with God, the more accessible you are to the gates. 

What kind of relationship do you have with the Lord.? At times, some people wake up to pray the whole night when there is a problem yet that is not what they usually do. They think God is awakened by the strength you push forward at once....I mean just overnight. Such many words overnight cannot build a strong lasting relationship between you and God. Relationship means a well built character. A character is built over time. So as the book says "ask of me", is calling for a relationship. A strong relationship you should build with God to tap into the spiritual means.

# *Simon kutosi  
                                  _6th msg_


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