LET GOD TAKE LEAD.

 _INTRO_ : Leading is being at the center of all that happens within a particular society. It is being control of results and solutions to challenges .it is being responsible. It is being at the center person of the challenges of life or an organization .

 _PROB_ : The problem we have is we give God limited time in involvement of our personal lives.

 _PURP_ : purpose Is to enable us let God do what he is supposed to do to build a stronger relationship with him through his involvement in our lives.

   >>> Many times we state a problem to God yet we try to find our way through the problem. we want to run our lives ,ministry by canal understanding. Why God lets challenges be in our lives; besides making us grow is to strengthen the relationship we have with him. Letting him take the lead is fulfilling his purpose of one to one relationship in our lives. 

Matthew 15:32-36.Jesus called his disciples to him and said, "I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way." .33 His disciples answered, "Where could we get enough bread in this remote place to feed such a crowd?" .34 "How many loaves do you have?" Jesus asked. "Seven," they replied, "and a few small fish." .35 He told the crowd to sit down on the ground. .36 Then he took the seven loaves and the fish, and when he had given thanks, he broke them and gave them to the disciples, and they in turn to the people.

1. We have limited God.
   🌀We have limited God's abilities to solve the available problems. Simply because we do not think outside the bucket. In mattew, here we see Christ thinking outside the bucket and yes his believers we're thinking within the bucket ,the bucket of their minds, the bucket of their abilities.
   God has what you do not know he has. A solution beyond your kind of understanding .what you are seeing today and what you're seeing in front of you is not what God is planning for you.
    🌀If you think you have reached the limit of your understanding, God is there then to start off. The Bible says God's foolishness is the wisdom of man and therefore your limits are God's beginnings.
 if you think you have reached to the end of the world and you cannot be changed, turned around then it means God Is yet To act . like the Bible has talked about God wants to build a relationship with you through the challenges that you face 
 🌀when you look at Joshua ,Joshua was to fight his enemies and he has 30000. But God had to tell him that soldiers should drink water from the river . Those hat will drink from their Palm are fight and those that will drink with the mouth direct to River will be deleted from the war . Joshua was surprised to see a big number drinking with your mouth from the river and only 300 people drunk with their palms. At the end of the day he only had 10% of the soldiers left to fight the. But God tells him that one soldier represents a thousands and therefore the war is for god and not for the soldiers. God brought it in order to make sure that they do not boost that they fought the war with that 30,000 .with the only three hundred soldiers at the end of the day God had pressed them to a wall in order to make his hand penetrate in their lives and act as purposed so that he builds the relationship with them.
     Many times God hardened the heart of pharaoh ,he wanted the Israelites to be pinned to the wall in order for them to be limited in their way of thinking so that God's hand you could act. In such a way he wanted to build a relationship with them.  
At times we limit our minds to what we are . God has brought us far and therefore he's the one who is going to take us far.
 it's not by your power it's not by your might it's not by your understanding that you have reached where you are ,therefore is not by you understanding by your might that you are going to go far so you have to trust God in all ways.
When you look at the story of Jonah. Jonah was heading somewhere but here he meets the storm with his colleagues on the ship .the colleagues tried all ways ,even eliminating some other luggage from the ship in order to lighten the ship and save their souls on the ocean. They called all people to pray to their gods but then they come to realize that one person is not calling upon their God. And his God might save them and they realize Jonah is sleeping . They called upon Jonah to come and pray. They ask him why he is sleeping. Calling upon your god to save us from this wind. Jonah realized that his mind ,...he had done foolishness he had gone in the wrong way and therefore he calls upon the man to throw him over the waters.
 So to make a solution from the impossible God brought the shark . The men realized they had used foolness to lead . Jonah had used foolness to lead and so the only solution he gives them is to send him over the waters. Many times we use foolishness and a later invite god to lead after yet having incurred many losses like the men on the sea . Jonah had passed all the time and yet he lost.
   We have to let God lead at every corner of our lives . At times we limit him in what he can do in our lives . 
  At times why we let not God lead in our lives is because of the spirit of impatiency that it drives us for example when you look at the Israelites when they're waiting for Moses from mountains and they had a spirit of impatience.they decide to make an idol and what follows was bitter.

🌀The Bible actually says it is not by your power and not by your might by the spirit and that this struggle is not of flesh and blood bodies but of the principalities of darkness and so we need a principalty and authority that is of the spirit to lead us ,we need god to lead us 

Exodus 14:10-14. As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians, marching after them. They were terrified and cried out to the LORD. .11 They said to Moses, "Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? .12 Didn't we say to you in Egypt, 'Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians'? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!" .13 Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. .14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."

 Israelis were told to stand still to see the greatness of God. 
An antelope was giving birth to its young one . but it was between fire water to the left and the ditch to the right and lions were coming in front of the antelope . it you had to decide whether to run as it gives birth and perhaps die in the fires or water or to give birth first. It had to come down , give birth and let everything take position. On surprise the two lions were destroyed by water and fire later after it had given birth. But little did it realize that if it had looked for its own way, it would have died .

   🌀Many times as Christians , we try to look for our own way and yet we lose at the end. Like the antelope that had to come down; instead of looking for its own way ;there's a time we need to come down stop thinking too much and just look too God to give us his own way.
  In exodus, we see Pharaoh stubbornly approaching Israelites. The Israelites were frightened at the scene . Moses asks no one for the way out but he goes before God for his way he wants God to lead . God tells him to stand still and see the Deliverance. like the antelope you have to stand still and let God take the lead. One thing that shows you are standing still is stopping the thinking too much and let God think too much .
   If you think you have reached your ultimate ability and your ultimate reasoning with the matter it is high time you stopped thinking too much about the matter. God who brought the Israelites from afar was a mastermind behind their journey. God who has brought you where you are is The Mastermind of your life. why then don't you let him continue leading? Don't be like how Jonah reaches at one point and wants to lead . He instead wastes time and resources.
     God who brought you from AFAR, like the Israelites, He has a proper route He is taking you .
The Israelites didn't see a way out of the wilderness ,didn't see it out of the sea... but God saw a very dry ground right in the sea. We cannot know the mind of God. You cannot know what he has, what he does to find you out of the problem .. ...... and so we need not to think too much with the matter. You do not need to imagine what kind of way will he use to find you out of the challenge. You only need to stand still and see the deliverance today. 
   He is a God of the impossible . what he does is what no man can do. If you are thinking that he that the challenge is beyond you, it is time to act you need to stand still. Thinking you have done enough ,it is time to stand still let him take the lead.
   🌀 Inquire of God. When there was going to be a massive slaughter of the Jews esther didn't time crying out for help rather she called for a fast to let God lead . We leave lives that are not guided and that when we fail; it's when we seek God. Jonah exited God in his way and that was the beginning of his failure . YOU need to inquire of God to work hand in hand with him. The battle is of the spirit and if you work manually be sure to fail. 
   If you work without any spiritual attachment be sure to fail ;your spiritual attachment is with God. YOU need to know and understand His mind.
    Many times wel fail because we don't understand what is God's mind . As He's telling you to go to the east you are forcing your way to the west . Jonah was facing his own way to a different side other than God's. He was trying to penetrate the wall that God had put. He made losses like all the men aboard; they lost all not until they had to inquire of the God of Jonah. The Spirit In Jonah quickly gave him away out and that is when God's possibilities started working in the impossibilities. You need to know the way of God.

>Your journey is not yours to struggle. You need God to lead.
>The battle is God's and the victory is yours. Let God take lead.

By kutosi Simon.
Sunday 3rd April 2022.

                            _78th msg_


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