 "Have you not heard? Long ago I ordained it. In days of old I planned it; now I have brought it to pass, that you have turned fortified cities into piles of stone.

Whenever, new year starts, we all rush to draw strategies for the upcoming year. We pray that the gates of heaven open to us in the directions we need them to. And in the next year, what happens to us is a reflection of what we planned for and what ran through our heads the previous year.

God also plans.
He sits and thinks of what to do here and what to do there.
God plans for you and me. The planning process of God begins with His thoughts. Followed by actual plan. He then ordains and anoints that with His Spirit; The spirit that will execute those plans. And when the right time comes the plan is brought to pass.

However, as God plans, the devil plans and you also plan. The position of life we find ourselves in has been planned by powers in the spiritual realms. The plans that run through our minds have been made already by the powers in the heavenly realm. If God planned that you should build a house when you turn 37, by the time you are 30, such a plan will be running through your mind. However, if the devil planned that you shouldn't build the house, you will as well find contradictions along your God given plans. Unfortunately, at times we follow our own instinct to run through plans that fall in our minds; and somehow fail. But the question to us should always be; Have my plans been ordained by the right power and authority?

# *Simon kutosi 
                                  _11th msg_


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