 The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. .6 The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.

 The actions of a man come from the inside of a man.

What you do and what you don't do depends on the position of your heart.
Evil and good come from the mind. Sin comes from the mind. 

Here within scripture, we see how God's holy heart is filled with pain because the inclination of thoughts. It's significant to note that what displeases God comes right from the heart and that what will please him will also come from the heart. The righteousness that God desires of you is right in your heart. He needs your thoughts to become pure. The best of your salvation is in your mind. The spirit of God never works in soul whose thoughts are inclined. 

God to bless you depends on the position of your heart. The more your heart is inclined, the far His saving hand is from you. If you want to seek God., Seek your heart. God does bot dwell in tangible things. The bible says you are the temple of God; Your heart . And so seeking God is to seek your heart.

You will never get the best from God if your heart is inclined. You never get the fullness of God with an inclined heart. The kingdom of God is in your heart.  

# *Simon kutosi   
                                  _31st msg_


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