 "Is not my word like fire," declares the LORD, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?

One of the most powerful tools that God has is the word. The word He speaks is a powerful spirit. Being a spirit, it executes what It has been programmed to do.

The reason as to why the world is the way it is today Is because of the word. He said let there be man and creatures, it came to be. Therefore, by no means can man be dissolved into nothing. He said to Adam that don't eat that fruit because if you do, this and that will be your destiny. The man ate , and by all means his fate came. No one could reverse that at that time; it was definite.
God is so principled in such a way that His word cannot be reversed. He is all knowing; He has every details of knowledge. Therefore, by the time He sends forth His word, He definitely knows that that is what should be. The bible says He is not man to deceive or speak of what He not sure of.

Now knowing that His word is a definite cause, have it at the back of your mind that the word is fire that definitely consumes what has been planted. It is a hammer that destroy what seems hard. 
Jesus used the word to overcome the devil. In what areas of yours life do use the word; such a powerful definite tool, to overcome? Whatever has been planted in your life that need consuming, use the word. The mountain that you feel needs breaking, use the word. God's word is a definite cause.

# *Simon kutosi  
                                  _7th msg_


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