 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

There is a definite end that the bible has clearly stated....;the fleeing away of the devil from you just after resistance.

The devil uses our weaknesses to over throw us...we all know that. He uses what we already know in our minds to tempt us. He uses the beliefs we cherish in our hearts to mislead us. The devil starts from the point where you are to fail and destroy your destiny.

However, two things within scripture show that embracing them as a tool in fighting the enemy will definitely make him loose; total submission to God and resisting the devil.

You cannot resist the devil if you don't totally submit to God. And you can't submit to God if you have not decided to resist the devil. You have to accept one of the two in your heart and not both of them. 
Resistance starts within your thoughts. If you think there is a sin that the devil has tied on you, it is upon yourself to make up you mind to let go of the sin. If there is a habit that the devil has tied on you , it is upto you to mentally decide to let go. The bad character you have , can flee if you let go mentally. The wrong thought can flee if you mentally resist. Devil fights you in your mind. Resist him in your mind. God needs your heart. Wherever, He is 'found' including your church and here within scripture; submit your heart dear friend.

# *Simon kutosi  
                                  _21st msg_


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