 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. .2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.

There is a mind we call compound mind. Common sense is a sub set of a compound mind. 
In a compound mind, the people that exist in certain groups and certain classes think of similar if not the same things. If you are educated, your thinking will be so similar to that of people at the same education level and class. If you are farmer and dwell in a given club, your thinking is similar to that of your colleagues. 
And if you also having similar characteristics to that of some other people, your mind and caliber of thinking is similar.

It therefore common sense that the people you walk, discuss with and so much yield affection to; have similar thoughts to yours and you will have similar thoughts to theirs. If one has an idea, it will dominate the group. Unfortunately the wrong ideas will mislead all of you.

What kind of company have you chosen to dwell in?
Is it one whose mind is the mind of holiness, wisdom, good ideas or one whose mind is full of ungodliness? It is blessed to walk in the first group; where there is flow of understanding and the dominant spirit is Holiness and wisdom; because there your destiny is positive.

# *Simon kutosi  
                                  _8th msg_


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