 The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.

 There is peace and strength of character in Christ fraternity that does not exist in the fraternities of the other world.

But one key has been set forth as an assurance for the attainment of the ultimate peace, ultimate confidence.... - the attainment of righteousness.

Righteousness is carrying out actions in right measure and right procedures in holy ways.
Many times we are deprived of our peace because we have burning guilt in us. We are deprived of our confidence because of the strong degree of lawlessness that we feel in our hearts. We don't mean to be subject to laws that govern the body of christ. We want to be our own Master. We feel our own instincts are right.

There is no government that exists without laws. Laws are standards that tame actions. They are standards that measure righteousness. The government of christ wouldn't be called government if there were no laws to govern.
You may think that your very church has strict regulations and strict laws. But a church that is lenient with the laws of God is not after righteousness. You may not chase righteousness to its fullest, but straining to attain it through regulations gives God a picture of what kind of child you are. 

The bible says that God will write laws in our hearts in days to come. And He has. Whenever you try to reject the instinct of the spirit in your heart, His peace is driven from You. Chasing to do what is right before God will yield confidence and peace.

# *Simon kutosi  
                                  _32nd msg_


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