The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
One thing that can't be fully controlled is the heart. And one thing that can be fully controlled is the heart.
You cannot fully control the heart of someone else. You can fully control your own heart. The heart is the most secretive object that God gave humans. You cannot know what position is the heart of your neighbor and what they are thinking; and so you cannot control their motives. You can know what exactly you are thinking and can control your motives.
If the people around you are evil and looking false, it is their heart that is deceptive above all that you know about them. It is beyond your cure.
The wrong way that you find yourself in at any point of your life, is the heart that led you there.
You cannot understand enough of your environment unless you understand your heart. The word stupid sounds different to a dog compared to you. If you hear that from a friend, it will sound aggressive. But to a dog, it will sound nothing.
It is when you give attention to the wrong things , weaknesses and weakedness of people that you will find a problem and a stumbling block in your life. It is your heart - a stumbling block to your destiny.
# *Simon kutosi
_9th msg_
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