*2 Corinthians:5.17* 
 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Salvation is a covenant of change. It is meant to put a person into another relationship. In such a way, character is meant to change. And your spirituality needs to change. 

The curse and whatever evil covenants that were made for you in the days of the old have been broken. 
The relationships that one had in the days of the past have to change.
It is significant to note that as there is a significant change in your life, the devil has to change his evil strategies against you. Whatever tool he used to use against you will be changed to a more weaked one. 

As there is such a change in his strategies, there should be a change of the mind therefore.
Many times people fail to renew their thoughts even after having received Christ. One has to understand the battles they are to fight...they are not of flesh nor of blood. One has to understand that the people they used fellowship with before ; the kind of fellowship has to change. Light does not fellowship with darkness.

There are things that you need to let go. The character you used to have in the past, you should make up your mind and embrace the change. Some christians are called just by name but they are way worse than non believers. Their character is still like that of those days; some are actually worse than those days ; due to the devil's new strategies.
 If you think you are saved, you should be sure that all that your are is new.

# *Simon kutosi 
                                  _28th msg_


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