Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
When challenges push us against the wall so hard, we tend to forget. When we wonder through an extreme desert, we tend to forget. We forget the way. We forget the light we forget the word.
The word of God is a road map to whatever destiny we would desire to reach. It is the way out of the desert you are into now.
If you feel lost in all these trouble you face now, the word of God is the right campus. It is a road map which will tell you that where you are now will lead you to where you want to be.
It will give you the insight on whatever you are going through. It will show you the root cause of all the trouble you are into now. The word will give you wisdom that will show you what step to take next from where you are. It is to get you from where you are to you next level.
If you think the your case has become too much, look a little bit into the word....and you will see your clear position on the map.
# *Simon kutosi
_20th msg_
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