 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. .8 They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.

 Trust is the confidence and reliance on something, someone or a standard. Here within scripture, horses and chariots are used to mean physical things . Wealth, security, and people are examples of them. 

We are saved by the blood of the lamb ,and in yesterday's scripture we saw how Christ after having risen from the dead...gave us ultimate power including protection. However, even with such privilege as children of God, some have less confidence and less reliance on their spiritual Lord. They trust that accumulating wealth will save them in the times of trouble. They think that the people that they surround themselves with will rescue them when there is trouble. And that having such people will open new doors in their lives. They start to believe that having immense wealth will open opportunities for them, generate fame and great honour. They rely so much on their businesses that they have limited time for God.

It is not the physical qualities and wealth that will position you. It is God who positions one and demotes the other. It is not people who will protect. If God gave up on you, your life will be no more.

Trusting in such materials will only lead to disappointments. You will chase the future but never find it. Those that trust in horses will fall.
The trust in the Lord Jesus yields ultimate confidence. Those that trust Him will rise. The Lord who opens doors will open them. The Lord who makes the land green will make their land...I mean their lives green.
What have you over relied on. Is it your business that you over rely on?. Is it your wife , your husband, your children.? Is it your academics? If you have more thoughts for material things, for your business than thoughts for God, then your reliance is chariots. 

# *Simon kutosi
                                  _37th msg_


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