*2 Corinthians:4.18* 
 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

 Most of the time that we spend in our lives is spent chasing after the resources of this world. We run up and down six days a week to take part of the global cake.... however, we spare just a day to commune with the Spirit. Even within that very day, there could be just a few hours spared for the spiritual fellowship.
Yet what comes ahead of us in the spiritual realms and unseen holds more value than what is seen.

However, it is important to note that nothing..... absolutely nothing, comes to us without the approval of spiritual powers. Whether you chase after a car or after a house, your acquisition will have to have the approval of spiritual authorities. Whether you are aware or not.
God will look at his purpose in your life in order to let you have what you need and the principalities of darkness will also look their target areas in your life to let you have what you chase after. And for the dark authorities; they will stimulate your acquisition in order for their plans to come to fulfillment. And their plans are obvious; to steal your heart and your wisdom; to kill your God given destiny and destroy your soul.

To rely on what the above scripture says, you therefore need to drive all your heartfelt intensions to the unseen realms.

The unseen realms where your God given destiny lies. A destiny of eternity . A destiny where you are a might royalty.

You therefore need to drive you purposes to what is unseen. The need for God to bless you with that business, that car, or that house , should be a purpose driven to the eternity yet to come. Your possession can be used to attain possession in the spirit realm. And so you can work everyday for the permanent things that are unseen.

# *  Simon kutosi
                                  _40th msg_


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