 no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me," declares the LORD.

  One definite heritage that those who enter into a covenant with christ have is ultimate protection from the evil that is forged against them.

We at times live in fear of witchcraft. Fearing those that ultter curse. Such fear indicates a limited mind to what you are in christ. It shows a limited confidence in christ and his ultimate power over everything. 
To some extent we struggle to protect ourselves and to protect our children from all sorts of witchcraft. It is not in your power to limit the atmosphere of evil. It is not in your power to limit the strength of witchcraft. It is not in your power to disinfect curses. No. .. not in your power.... It is the power of christ to limit such principalities of evil and protect you as His special one.

 You should trust his power. Trust and have it at the back of your mind that no curse will prevail. No false weapon will see light in your paths. Believe that if God is for you , no one against you will find space to overcome you.

# *Simon kutosi   
                                  _35th msg_


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