 but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. .25 Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.
 One precious privilege that those Christ calls His brothers and sisters is that He himself stands before God - our father to intercede. 

As He is a first hand intercesor before God, He is able to save those He intercedes for. He is able to call upon the name of His father - our God to come to our rescue. But with one condition,for those who run to God through Him .
Running to God through Him is what is very crucial here. Running to him through prayers. When we pray, Christ in heaven prays for us the more. When we intercede, Christ in heaven intercedes for us the more. 

In as much as God needs a relationship from you, He needs you to run to Him. It has also been well programmed that Christ the great intercesor will completely save those who run to God through Him. And so He will also completely intercede for those who run to God through Him. Yes, He saves those that may run to God not through him...or those that don't believe in His all mighty saving power. But they are not completely saved.

There is something Christ needs more from you. One of that Is running to God while trusting in His help. Believing in His name. You may be saved but not completely. Christ may intercede for you but not completely. There is gap for you to completely have faith in him and always as your salvation is complete.

#Simon kutosi   
                                  _62nd msg_


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