2 Chronicles:15.6 
 One nation was being crushed by another and one city by another, because God was troubling them with every kind of distress. .7 But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."
 Wars may sound endless. Trouble after trouble. Tears that never end. Accidents occuring simultaneously. The world may seem to you as though it is ending.

As challenges come one after the other, we may feel discouraged and would want to give up. Wanting to give up on what we started in ministry and wanting to give up on whatever we run after in our lives.
Giving up will not be solution to the challenges that God has let happen. We may be in a crisis; and God's wrath is upon some communities that are against Him. The crisis may not indicate that God is against you personally. However much the crisis happens, you should be strong and continue to work. Your reward will not be determined by how many seasons of crisis you went through. But by how much you have done; the work you have brought to accomplishment.

Whatever the circumstances, never give up. Continue to work, continue to grow stronger as time passes. Your strength will be rewarded. Continue to do good no matter the people that surround you; your goodness will be rewarded. Whatever you do, you will receive your reward in full measure.

# Simon kutosi   
                                  _58th msg_


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