 Joseph collected all the food produced in those seven years of abundance in Egypt and stored it in the cities. In each city he put the food grown in the fields surrounding it. .49 Joseph stored up huge quantities of grain, like the sand of the sea; it was so much that he stopped keeping records because it was beyond measure.
 Joseph was a ridiculed son. He was a stock of laughter. A trend of disgrace. His brothers never ever had it in their imaginations that he would ever have any colorful future. They never hoped that God had a precious hidden destiny for Joseph.

Now their hopeless imaginations comes to an end. God stoops to joseph's level. He rapids the movements of Joseph towards his true destiny. These boys stop their childish perceptions about Joseph and God presents the hidden platter full of emeralds just for Joseph. It was as if a hidden white rabbit gently steps out of the gang of black cats ; perhaps black widows. They see lightning during hot summer. They were baffled .
God had done what they never thought. Not even Joseph had imagined the far God would take him.

Here he is, swimming in streams of glory. Having at his disposal all that he needed. God had done beyond measure. He counted the blessings and couldn't count any longer. Shaken together and running over.

People will insult you, but can never fathom the golden platter God is seriously preparing for you. They will think you are nothing but a pittsfield. A lowly rat. Let them speak. They cannot change God's mind about you. They cannot decide how much God is preparing for you.
Let them do what their lowly minds entices them to do.
The time God will arise to forceful push you to new realms, their very ears will not help sustain the information but stand on their heads. They will not believe the rumors. It will be beyond measure.
God is preparing for you something beyond your suffering. Your pains now cannot be compared to what God has in your store. Just keep moving.

# Simon kutosi  
                                  _53rd msg_


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