 An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him .44 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.
 When the spirit is in deep anguish, it is sincerely desperate. It is at that point that the spirit does what it thinks would help the person out of the trouble, doing that with earnest.

The intensity of your challenge shows how much you should pray. Not just praying once or twice, but praying as much as you can. You may think you have been pressed to the wall so hard and that there is no justified reason for that; you being pressed to the wall shows how much God needs you to come closer to him.  

Many times, because of our recurring challenges, we forget where the best of solution lies and covert ourselves to the complainers religion. We forget where God has brought us from and instead grumble. We forget to make the earnest prayers during the dark times. 
Too much thoughts will not help you out of the dark room. Too much complaining will not make a way out of the wilderness you find yourself in. Blaming one and finger pointing another as the root cause of your trouble will not save your unpacified soul. It is running to the Lord with a thirst heart that will help. A heart that needs nothing but His word. Running to Him as though running for your life. As God needs to have a relationship with you, there is need for you to pour out an earnest spirit to Him. Your challenge will not end with a fragile spirit, but a spirit strengthened by earnest prayers.

#Simon kutosi   
                                  _61st msg_


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