_INTRO_ :   Faith is Hope for things that are unseen. It is a belief for goodness. Love is affection that is attached to a personality. Love came through God, He first loved us then we love . Love reflects the true personality of God and his intention towards humanity.

 _PROB_ : The problem we have that because of self-centeredness, we have lost true love towards our Brothers and sisters in Christ have lost faith .

_PURP_ : The purpose of this lesson is to enable us generate hopes and true believes that are affirmed  through true true love.
  >>>    In as much as  love comes from God, we cannot be in completeness with God Without Love. Love is expressed between you ,your neighbor and God .

*John 3:16  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    The first element God had before sending his only son to die For Us was love .
We cannot have salvation in its completeness without true love . Love defines who we are in Christ Jesus.
 One of the greatest best foundations of salvation and Christianity is love.
 Love is the reason We relate to Christ and since salvation is total believe total faith, the believe in God is goodness ,promises is invited Without Love.

 Humanity didn't come to be great like it is today without togetherness and unity . There was a belief but togetherness through love completed the belief. It made the belief come true. Beliefs are not beliefs if there is no ground to show their validity. 
You can not get the great person from your neighbor if you don't have element of love with your neighbor; an element that bonds us .
Most of the Christian dominations have remained small without significant growth because of lack of love. They will have all kinds of dreams and things to accomplish but because of self-centeredness - people don't want to give into one basket for one common goal, such dreams have remained  in writings without seeing light. 
We can do much if we are united through love. The greatest weapon that colonialists used to overcome Africans was divide And rule that broke love between African countries. One person hated the other and no one could develop .

*Galatians 5:6For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

Christ didn't sacrifice his life for the sake of his 12 disciples, or for the sake of the community of Israel or some other group of people. Circumcised or uncircumcised ,he died for all kinds of people .
Many times we come to rule out upon which kind of people we love and which kind of people we don't love. Because someone has money you love and because someone else has no money you don't love
 The spirit of segregation among Christian community has killed the faith. some have backslidden because of the divide and rule spirit that still follows Christians. 
We cannot become a complete body in Christ with a divide and rule mechanism; a mechanism of segregation.
 Christ came to unite those that had fallen apart, He came to restore the love that had died. Our relationship with Him cannot  become complete with a segregated spirit.
 Our lives have been limited from the power of Christ because of lack of love.

People who sought for healing and deliverance from Christ got such healing after having a deep affection for Christ.They felt a gap and a need in their hearts for Christ. 
Love connects us heart to heart, soul to soul, spirit to  spirit.  You cannot get the fullness of God's spirit Without Love and as it is written the love of God starts with the love for your neighbor .
Many times we have missed out on the power of the spirit because of the limited love we have .

*1 John 5:1-5 Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. .2 This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. .3 This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,.4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. .5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

 Love is a heart to heart Spiritual correlation . The love for God is the love of his Spirit .
The spirit of God is expressed in many forms ,the word of God ministries of the Spirit.
To say that you love God , you need to love his words , reading the word grows believe and affirms your faith. 
Following God's commandments reflects your heart felt love and affection for God... this way grows your beliefs in God .

Several things that make us Fall apart  originate from lack of love .
Many things that unite us together originate from love. 
We will grow to full heights through love that is not segregative .
The origin of faith came from Love . Complete faith comes from complete love .
Love your neighbor as you would wish to be loved ,as you love God and you love your life.

By  Simon kutosi.
Sunday 22nd May 2022.

# Simon kutosi   
                                                81st msg


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