 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
 When the devil was cast down to earth, he was imprisoned in darkness. Imprisoned in prisons of hatred, prisons of evil, deception. And as the bible clearly says, he is the ruler of this world; he by all means makes all inhabitants of this world imprisoned in the prisons he is into.

But because of love, Christ came to rescue those that believe in Him for salvation. 
However, the freedom that was given to those who believe is self controlled freedom. It is upto them to have it or to loose it. The slavery the devil sets is upto humans to enter into. 

It is upto you to decide what route you take ; routes of freedom or routes of slavery. Standing firm in the righteousness of God sets you free from the dark traps of the devil. Serving at the high table of God gives you ultimate freedom. Serving the children of God let's you be driven by nothing worldly but heavenly; controlled by the power of Christ and the spirit of His salvation.

The yoke of slavery is self imposed. You need to decide to take up the freedom Christ presents by standing firm in his precious kingdom....a kingdom of love for one another, a kingdom of the word, kindness and peace.

Only two routes are before you, if you are not sure of being on one, be sure you are on the other. Christ loves you and presents freedom before you. In your family, declare the freedom and pick it up. In you career, business, there is freedom CHRIST presents, declare it now.

#Simon kutosi 
                                  _64th msg_


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