GOD'S LOVE.

 ... The LORD is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made.
 There are several purposes as you why God made whatever He made and exists now. Whatever the purpose, He has a signature of love on everything He has created.

His love for His creation indicates that He cares about them. And if He cares about them, He gives them attention and hears from them; to see what their need could be. 
And because of such love, He can never make empty promises to such loved creatures. When He makes His promises, He fights His way through realities to make His promises tangible to them He had decreed. 

Because of love, God plans all time to make His creation better. He plans to make you better. God loves you. Never sit back and think the bible - I mean his word contains nothing but empty promises that are beefed with rumours. His promises are Yes. His word is like rains. 

In your life, God is love; he holds a better chapter of your life that He is yet to unfold. The good plans He has promised are yet to come to pass. The rains He sent to water your house are yet to bring forth the fruits you desire. You know ,when we plant character and some works , it is God who waters them and makes them fruitful. The efforts you have planted have been watered and are yet to bear fruits. Be patient ,God's love is unending. What He holds for you in His secret stores can never be perceived. Because of his faithfulness, You are yet to jump into new realms.

#Simon kutosi  
                                  _60th msg_


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