2 Corinthians:1.20
 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God.
 When a promise is made, It is made in times and within systems. This means that such promise cannot work outside those times and outside those systems. Probably God cannot promise you a house ,which promise He will fullfil in heaven. Or say that He will give you a car...and He means so after you have departed from the realm where cars are found.

Within the above scripture, the promises of God are said to be yes. Meaning definite with purpose. But it continues and says that " in christ". This literally means not outside Christ will such a yes and amen work. So as the promise is steady, there are conditions.

The Israelites were promised a land of milk and honey, but God attached conditions to the promise. God in His word has promised us a good future but still there are conditions attached. Somewhere within His good word, the condition is if you don't let this book of the law depart from your lips, then you will be successful. And just after that there is a promise of blessings that will be shaken together and running over;...But with a condition of if you bring the whole tithe.....if you give to those in need.

As we obviously think of the yes that is to the promises of God, let's also think of the conditions attached to the promises. God cannot wake up one morning to make promises without purpose. He has reasons as to why he has made the promise He made to you some time back. There is what He wants to see you into in order for His end purpose to come to pass.
If you think there is a promise God has for you, think of the condition.

# *Simon kutosi
                                  _56th msg_


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