_INTRO_ :  The relationship of GOD and man started way back in the times of Adam even before God created Eve. God related with Adam personally and Adam knew God personally.
Knowing something personally is having your own views about that thing even before you consider someone else's view.

 _PROB_ :  But the problem we have is that we take God as God of groups, religions... Without considering our own faith and perceptive about Him.

 _PURP_ :  To enable us personalize faith.

   >>> The fall of Adam didn't start when he was alone. The bible may not indicate for how long God took before getting Adam a helper, but may have taken several decades if not 100s of years before eve came to being. But before that, Adam had no trouble and backslidings from the principles that governed Eden.
Eva's coming, ulttered Adams faith. Because of eve, Adam inclined from the original principles that governed the garden. It was then that Adam's faith changed from "me and God"  to " we and God" and thus backsliding. 

🔶Like  above, Adam was the first human being to relate with God. God related with Adam for a purpose. Though the bible may not broaden the first lives in Eden, but Adam and eve's times could have been a great experience while they were in the Eden.
🔶Adam had a purpose as to why he needed God while in the garden due to his submissiveness to God. They left sad when driven out of eden which shows that they understood their perfect relationship with God.
🔶Adam knew  was loyal to God because he knew who God was and what he benefited from Him just before he was blinded by the serpent.
🔶God personally communed with Adam in the evenings.
🔶God personally created Adam which showed His need for interpersonal relationships with humans.

🔶Moses always had prayers in private places which showed his personal need for God. At times, because we don't understand God personally, we tend to have less zeal for personal prayers and only wait for group prayers. 
🔶Moses always sought for God's help where there was need , doing that personally because he knew his relationship with God.
🔶Moses performed miracles he was told to do because he understood the kind of God he served.
🔶With no doubt, Moses went on the mission that cost him his life time; bring the israelites out of slavery an indication that he knew God personally. Many times, when when sent to mission, we ask how many assistants do we have before going. Though Moses presented his inability before God for solution, he never gave up on the ministry.

🔶Looking at Hannah, it is evident that she didn't seek for help from church leaders for her problem of burreness .
🔶Rather, Hannah herself went to God and presented her prayer request and poured out her soul personally.

* Luke 18:28-30 Peter said to him, "We have left all we had to follow you!" .29 "I tell you the truth," Jesus said to them, "no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God .30 will fail to receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life."
🔶Originally, Christ called his disciples without giving the detailed views about what they were to get in return after following Him. But Peter at a personal level, questions Jesus what the rewards would be. Peter wanted to know fully God's calling.
🔶Understanding God's calling strengths your faith like it did for peter.
🔶It enables you understand the benefits of the calling which enables you be self driven. Many times, we fail to drive ourselves because we don't understand the purpose as to why we do what we need to do.
🔶You cannot have a strong unshakable faith if you don't understand the reason for your faith.. for example understanding the origin of God and how He is important in your life is not sin but rather, gives you evidence for what you believe in.
🔶We fail to embrace our spiritual gifts because we lack evidence for what we believe in.
🔶Understanding your call helps you live a life of vision and purpose that is driven by zeal.

* Hebrews 11:6  And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
🔶Faith is beliefs that are driven in your heart. You do for what you do for God with faith and hope.
🔶You cannot do the best just for yourself or for God without beliefs and strong faith of the future. And that is why it is difficult to please God without faith.
🔶We have failed to believe in the promises of God because we fail to attach faith to every element of his promise.
🔶The way you understand your benefits in being with Christ is different from the way someone else does. It is therefore very vital for you to strengthen your own understanding of Christ through faith before considering other people's understanding.
🔶Through attaching faith you need to personalize God's message and how it impacts in your life. Read the bible and refer it to you as away of personalizing the message.

🔶You don't need to consider how fast other are running before you set your pase; rather, you need to set you own play and run the race.

> The relationship God considers with you is not for group impact but for own impact.
> You cannot be a strong believer if you don't personalize God in your heart.
> God needs to to commune with you personally.
> Understanding him personally strengths your faith, makes you know the validity of your race, gives you vision, makes you accountable for all that you do. You personal faith will set a strong base for your "one to one " relationship with God.

By kutosi Simon.
Sunday 27th May 2022.

                            _82th msg_


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