 Do not trust a neighbor; put no confidence in a friend. Even with her who lies in your embrace be careful of your words.
 Because of love, we tend to pour out our whole self to friends and the people we love. Trusting them with every kind of words we have perceived or heard. We have trusted them to the extent that we tell them our deep secrets; telling them words that will turn into trouble in the future.

In as much as we are different from others, we cannot share the same mind with others. Our motives are different and their motives are also different. The way you understand is not the way they may be understanding your point. You may trust them with words and works, but they may turn your deeds into grounds for your ruin. Your words to them will be full evidence of you weaknesses as they share them somewhere behind your back.

We have encountered a number of disappointments because of the degree of trust we have given to those we feel they deserve. Within scripture, it is said that the heart of man Is deceitful above all things; and that you cannot understand the heart. You may think that those that you trust are worthy yet they are the very labor that the devil is using to work on your grounds of ruins.

Words are a powerful weapon that the devil uses. You may think that you are letting your neighbor learn of something yet the devil is using it as evidence for your failure. We live with people but their art is complicated. You need to study the art of human heart and understand your boundaries even in the best relationship you are into; because your very best loved one could turn out to be your greatest enemy.

#Simon kutosi   
                                  _59th msg_


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