 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

 One time through a research, one lady found out that Within scriptures; there are 500 scriptures that talk about Prayer, 600 scriptures that talk about faith and 2200 scriptures that talk about money and giving to those in need. And that shows how God is concerned about how we perceive resources and how we treat money. Most of the times most of us spend are times spent looking for resources. That implies that resources or money occupy a significant part in our lives. And how we perceive the resources is what will determine what kind of heart we have and how we relate to others. 
Many of us perceive it as resources meant for only personal satisfaction.
Not the case.!

Within the above scripture, we see how Paul talks of how he spent much of the effort in his ministries showing his followers how helping the weak through giving is more blessed. That meant that in all that he did, he emphasized giving in one way or the other.

One of the greatest purpose as to why God created man was to relate to man. The relationship which should also be reflected among the humans themselves. And to reflect such relationship, there should be actions of love through charity. To prosper through God's resources, we need to show him how good we are at giving.

#Simon kutosi. 
                                  _47th msg_


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