 "Dominion and awe belong to God; he establishes order in the heights of heaven.
 When the bible says that God is a God of order, it means that where there is disorder, it is not His making. Within the scripture, it is said that God establishes order in heaven. This means that in previous times there was disorder. And that even when there is order established, there is a sense of disorder besides. And so the heavenly government has to exercise discipline to maintain the order and maintain the spirit that trends on grounds of order.

Many times we run our lives with carefree tendencies and lazy minds. In the ministry we are into, in our business, and in our very homes. There is disorder in our governance; our body, our homes are unkept, the systems we run are to whom it may concern.....the very church premises we pray from are unkept and are systems are of disorder.
Yet in all we run through, we expect success by the spirit. We expect God to move in our churches and perform wonders. We expect our homes to be at their best. We expect business to boom. 

In as much as God is of order, whatever is disorderly is not ridden by His Spirit. You may think that it may not make sense to put order for the communion of the Spirit. But if heaven endeavors to set order, it means where there is order, heaven is pleased. And displeased with disorder. And so to attract the Spirit at full length, set order first. And there your fraternity will make rapid movements fully ridden by the spirit.

# *Simon kutosi
                                  _54th msg_


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