 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
 Because God loved the world, He sent his only precious son.... Jesus. And that whoever believes in Him will have salvation. Salvation came from the original love that God had. God first had love and salvation came next. The relationship we have with Christ came out of love.

It means your faith in Christ is strenthened by nothing better than love. 
And you may be knowing the greatest commandment. It is to love your God with all your heart. And to love your neighbor as you love yourself. The way you wish good for yourself is the same way you should wish good for your neighbor.

 The things that occupy most of our lives are a chase for for this matter.( At least every resource is defined by money)
Resources/money occupy most of time....time looking for it. They occupy our mind. Money occupies our emotions. Money occupies our love. As it is the greatest element that occupies most of our time, you cannot express full love without it. You cannot express full love without sharing resources. Your neighbor is in need and to show love, you need to share these blessings.... without having norms of I don't have enough.

Love is the reason as to why we exist. The Spirit of God is expressed in a spirit that is full of love. Love defines the true personality of God. And to be true children of God, we need to express true love . 
Love is not discriminative. Love is patient and is kind. There is someone out there who is waiting for your kindness to kick off. Don't hide your love. Your love makes all the difference and is your true salvation.

# Simon kutosi
                                  _63rd msg_


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