 Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. .6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
 When you speak, you speak your destiny. When you curse, you curse your destiny. And when you bless, you bless your destiny.

Many times we are fond of speaking carelessly especially when speaking negatives. When we speak, what we say comes from within us. Nothing spoken comes from an empty body. As there is a soul and spirit in the body, whatever we say comes from the spirit within. The spirit within is influenced by one of the two great powers - the dark power or the holy power. And so whenever you speak of something out of emotions, you say it according to the purpose of the power in you. If it is the dark power in control, you say what is negative and what will ruin your life.

For the positivity, you have gap to confess whatever you want to see happen in your life and it will probably come to pass. As the holy power works in you, He will see to it that you get all that you need.

The devil takes advantage of one thing; as he knows you are frustrated by challenges; he takes advantage of the tongue. In your frustrations, he will prompt you to say negativities. You confess that things are not easy. Things are hard. The economy is down and you are poor. At times we think that if the truth is that you are poor, It makes no difference confessing. As long as you confess negatives, you empower the devil. If you talk of how bad the sickness is, you add more fuel to the devil's power bank. Do yourself a favor and tame your tongue. Whatever you say should be precise and well calculated. Confess positive destinies.

#Simon kutosi 
                                  _52nd msg_


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