 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. .11 Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. .12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
 The steadiness of believers comes from within the heart. A steadiness that is produced from a pure heart.

 Many times we have lacked steadiness because our hearts are not Christlike. We try to do all our best but in vain. We pray but cannot pray longer. And even during the prayer time, we feel relaxed and not moved. It all comes from the impure heart. If you wanna have anything to stimulate your steadiness, pray for a pure heart.

Just below the verses, we see how David prays to stay in the presence of God and have the spirit of God. We cannot do any better if we lack His spirit. We cannot move any further if we are out of the presence of God. It is such being in His holy presence that makes us steady.
A spirit is what stirs motions and movements. If we are empty of the holy Spirit, then what replaces that is an evil spirit. And if such dark spirit is in control, be sure that the destiny you head for is not original.

David also prays for a willing spirit. There is nothing that can be as effective as a willing spirit. We have not moved enough because of lack of will. If there is a prayer that you make today, let it be for God to create willing, steady spirit in you as you dwell in his presence.

# Simon kutosi.  
                                  _51st msg_


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