 But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away.
   When there is a chase against all that you own, the devil looks for nothing but your heart. He has nothing to do with your wealth. His survival is not dependant on your wealth. He has nothing to do with your family. His eternity has nothing to do with your family. The devil will have no problem with your prosperity if you climb ladders while dropping the word. One that brings enlightenment.

Because within the above scripture, trouble and persecution came just after the word. Because of the word within Job, the devil sought for permission to ruin the wealth of Job. He wanted to touch job's heart by ruining all he had including his family.
But because of the roots that Job had, he was not shaken and neither was the word in Him.

Whenever you take a step to advance yet still hold the word, the devil takes a bigger step full of jealousy to ruin you. 

If you think you are on your way to your destiny, and to higher horizons, and still hold onto God's word, be on your move to deepen your roots.

The roots of hope. Hope that will overlook all the trouble that come because of the word of truth you hold. Roots of love. Love that overshadows all hatred and evil people that the devil employs to stimulate your ruin. Be rooted in self confidence. Confidence that you can run the race as Christ stirs your movements. The higher the tree grows, the deeper it sends out it's roots.

# Simon kutosi
                                  _69th msg_


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