_INTRO_ :  Hebrews 11 . Faith is a substance of hopes and beliefs that the future holds something better. Faith is an element that connects us one to one with God within the spirit. We cannot please God without building everlasting faith.

 _PROB_ :  We tend to loose focus as we move with God to a future that we hope for.

 _PURP_ :  To ground us in stronger hopes that will enable us please God.

   >>> Many people that received healing from Christ, received it by faith; as Christ told them that your faith has healed you. But have you ever wondered as to why Christ told them that your faith(hope) has healed you? There is a definite end that God has prepared for each of us. This end only waits for one thing, faith. 
God waits for you to draw hopes towards him so you can tap in the already prepared future. He knows what He has for you in this ministry. He knows the journey He is moving with you. But one thing we need is hoping in Him. 
Everlasting faith enables us to move with Christ without giving excuses for our failure to implement God's will in our lives.
     _How do we build it...._

   *_Jonah 1: 4....... the story of jonah and God's purpose._
     When we look at the story of Jonah, he was commissioned to go to Nineveh to preach against the wrong doings. But Jonah declines. He does so because he feels it is not in his personal purpose to accomplish or run after such a ministry. But God insists he should go. Later after all the trouble, he goes.... To his surprise, the city repents ....which jonah didn't expect. Jonah had to build a purpose forcefully in his mind in order for the future of Nineveh to turn around.
🔹Many times we fail to accomplish a ministry in christ simply because we fail to have a purpose as to why we were called.
The purpose you build in mind grounds you in the hopes that you set to God .
🔹A purposely heart always takes any route. It is like a ship on the sea which has no direction and a proper force to push it towards it's future.
🔹Many people have failed in salvation because they have lacked  a personalized purpose as to why they need God , as to why they need to serve, as to why they need the ministry.
   🔹You cannot wake up one morning to walk with God and walk with him wholeheartedly, If you don't have your basic reasons as to why you walk with Him..
🔹Understand your reason for being here. Understand the reason for your love, giving,. Such reasons will ground you in your values and you will always do what you need to do without being reminded.

   *_Acts 19:11 - 16  God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, .12 so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them. .13 Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed. They would say, "In the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out." .14 Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. .15 [One day] the evil spirit answered them, "Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?".16 Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding._
     In Acts , we see men who lacked grounded faith in their hearts. These people try to rebuke the demons because they saw Paul doing that. Their thinking didn't help them , rather it turned their hopes upside-down.
🔹Doing things because others are doing them doesn't give true meaning for your belief. 
🔹Our faiths are different, so the elements that strengthen your faith are not the same elements that strengthen my faith. For that matter, you cannot do what I do to strethen the faith you have; which is different from my faith. 
    You need to understand your faith and personalize it. 
🔹The people that were healed by Jesus all had different approach to get their healing. One lady who had been bleeding for many years touched jesus' cloak and she received her healing; another man said to jesus that If he could only say a word, his miracle will be right at his house. Another begged jesus to touch his eyes to receive his sight. They did things according to their faith and it was done.
🔹There is something in you that will stimulate God's power better than someone else. Something that you yourself need to dig out.

_Matthew 17:20-21........this kind can't go except by prayer and fasting._
   There is something that motivates your hopes that needs to be activated daily.
🔹Faith is a substance.... meaning it is a real element in the spiritual realms that grows and can also retardate. This means faith is a living substance in the spirit.
🔹You cannot grow such a substance if you are sowing seeds of the flesh. The seeds that are to grow your faith are in the spirit. They are in your heart. 
🔹One person prays always and is strengthened... another fasts always and is strengthened.
🔹The faith that has staged in you needs watering and taking care of. You need to take care of your hopes daily. Someone else cannot ground your faith better than you. The tools are in your heart.

>God has prepared our ends in the spirit and in the body. He is waiting for you to hope and unlock all these ends.
> You have to persistently walk with God to realize your end. You cannot get them in the beginning.
> Walk with God according to His calling.
>Understand your faith and the best tools to ground it.
> Your faith will lead you to an everlasting future.

By kutosi Simon.
Sunday 26th June 2022.

                            _84th msg_


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