 Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."
     There is a time to cry and a time to laugh. There is a time to be sad and a time to be happy. On thing that makes our God filled with joy is when He sees you receiving salvation. As you have received salvation, times of sorrows are no more. You have unlimited hopes; you have a helper. Christ the Lord is by your side.

Whatever the challenge, Christ has pinned it to the cross. Those that used to laugh at you have been given a dateline. The dateline is now. Their actions are void. Christ you accepted into your life has made all things new.

It is time to celebrate your life. In the past, the devil used you like recurring rags and never gave you repair. But as you received Christ, repairs have been made everywhere in your life. Your salvation is God's joy, and his joy is your strength. Rise up and walk with boldness. Let alone the past events of bondages and sin without rescue. Christ is working and making all things better for you.
Drink and eat as God blesses you. Celebrate your life now. This season is remarkable in all the history of your life. It is the season and day Christ presents salvation for you. Your burden has been made light. and the Christ that dwells in you makes the devil shatter. The king of sorrows has been pinned to the ground. The kingdom of hatred has been pinned down. It is your time to thrive. Peace , love, and ultimate hopes through Christ, - the prince of peace.
This is your season, drink and celebrate with Christ.

# Simon kutosi.   
                                  _76th msg_


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