2 Chronicles15.15 
 All Judah rejoiced about the oath because they had sworn it wholeheartedly. They sought God eagerly, and he was found by them. So the LORD gave them rest on every side.
     There was a story of a man who was about to die. But before death caught up with him, he asked those surrounding him that what way is it to heaven. Many of them couldn't answer that but some did. After the man was told that Christ was the way, he instantly felt emptiness. But just before dieing, he confesses Christ and feels ultimate peace but still emptiness...as if he feels he has missed out alot.

There is emptiness we normally feel when we don't do what we are supposed to do with wholeheartedness. You seek God but feel you are not satisfied. You serve but you feel emptiness. The ultimate reason as to why the israelites felt joy as they rejoiced , was their wholeheartedness while they swore the oath .

And because they sought God eagerly, he gave them rest on every side. They received peace for their act of eagerness.

The emptiness of the heart can be filled up with wholeheartedness of the heart. Wholeheartedness sprouts from the element of eagerness. 

You cannot be filled up in your heart with God unless you have eagerness and sincerity. Your services cannot satisfy your empty soul unless you have zeal in them. This is how we see some begin to serve and give up so early; just because of lack of eagerness.. Eagerness is a degree of love to know God more and more and what He has for you. There is something He prepares for you in your service; and an eager person would serve expecting that to be unveiled one-day or day by day. 
The peace you seek in christ needs eagerness to unveil. The love you seek need eagerness to unveil. The blessing God has for you needs eagerness to unveil.

# Simon kutosi
                                  _74th msg_


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