1 Samuel:2.8
... "For the foundations of the earth are the LORD's; upon them he has set the world. .9 He will guard the feet of his saints, but the wicked will be silenced in darkness. "It is not by strength that one prevails;
In as much as the bible says the god of this age rules the world....the devil controls the world, it gives him no right to be the creator of resources of this world. He is not the creator of man. He is not the owner of resources. Our God, our heavenly father is the creator of it all.
God has made everything beautiful and available for his children. Though lucifer has assumed control over them, he doesn't determine who gets and who doesn't get if our God doesn't let it be so.
The things you look for are all in our God's hands. Beneath the foundation of the earth, is gold and stones of precious value; Don't think it is somebody in world who is destined to have them. NO NO......the gold and silver within the foundation of the earth is yours. You are God's child. You are an heir to the great kingdom of righteousness. You like Christ own all silver and gold.
The bible says that the wealth of the unrighteous is being stored up for the righteous. The worldly people are busy working, but all that is yours, the right time will come when all is transferred to you.
God is our God.
He fights for His children. One day, the noise of the unrighteous will be silenced. Their prevailent on our wealth will come to an end. Their arrogance will go no where but to a destiny of silence. It is not you to fight. It is not by your strength. The spirit is making all things perfect in God's fraternity. Your time to rule over will come.
# Simon kutosi
_72nd msg_
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