 For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek your prosperity.
   When embedded in the sacks of spiritual welfare, they tend to forget the welfare of the body. When embedded in the sacks of bodily welfare, they tend to forget the spiritual welfare.
There are people who seek the way of the spirit so much until they forget the body. So much diving into the spirit is good . But they see body as of no use. These people have gone to heights where they feel there is no value to seek bodily resources and all the likes. They say money is not spiritual and so is evil. They don't want to run after it. Prosperity is not of the spirit and so they don't run after it. Wealth is rooted in all sorts of evil, and for them being spiritual,they don't run after it.

There could be no need for God to build you a body if the bodily matters were not of value.
There could be no reason as to why God could have built you a beautiful world if there was no value and need for them. He couldn't have distributed resources and scattered them allover the round planet if there wasn't a purpose for doing so.

There is a reason as to why God needs you to be prosperous in the resources of this world.

There are persons that are in God's house that need your hand . The house of God needs your prosperity. You cannot give the wealth you have not accumulated. You need to have wealth and be in position to give it to those in the house of God. You cannot go about serving God in this earth without using her resources. Wealth is is good for the union of the physical body of Christ. Though not it alone, but good for the children of God to have comfort while serving God throughout the earth.
For the sake of God's house, seek wealth and be prosperous.

# Simon kutosi
                                  _68th msg_


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