THE JOURNEY OF JOB.

 _INTRO_ : Job , a man who was God fearing and rich was pinned to grounds of testing. A future that God prepared for him needed a tougher test that God prepared for him. Many people who have succeeded have been Jobs in life and have a tough story tell.

 _PROB_ : we look at success without having the cost we are supposed to pay at the the back of our minds.

 _PURP_ : Enable us reflect on job's life as an example to our personal lives.

   >>> There is an end that God has prepared for each of us. The ends are better than the challenges we face at the moment. However, there is a tunnel that God has prepared for each of us which is filled with throrns , downs and ups. This is to prepare us for the end.
This implies that we have to prepare our minds for such kinds of tunnels in order to meet the desired end.

*Job 42:10-13. After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before..11 All his brothers and sisters and everyone who had known him before came and ate with him in his house. They comforted and consoled him over all the trouble the LORD had brought upon him, and each one gave him a piece of silver and a gold ring. .12 The LORD blessed the latter part of Job's life more than the first. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys. .13 And he also had seven sons and three daughters.

To learn from job , we should learn the lessons below.:

🔸The plans that God has for you are not the things that you look at now.
Job was rich, yes; but God had a richer part that He was preparing for him.
🔸To understand that what you go through is a tunnel to a bigger end, you need to understand that God has a bigger mind for you.
🔸For you to endure hardship, you need to understand that God's plan is not to harm you but to give you a good future.
🔸Many times we fail the tests of God in our lives because we fail to understand God's motive of having life in us. He didn't create you to drag through mountains and trouble then die. There is a purpose as to why you need to suffer. Your trouble will not end in death; job's trouble ended up birthing new grades of wealth and success.

*Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

🔸When job was rich, he had many friends who usually feasted with him, but here he loose all his wealth and feels as if all his friends had deserted him, apart from a few. But we look at the sweet character that job had, one of christ - like love. Job let's his friends celebrate with him after God delivers him and blesses him.
🔸Job doesn't show envy or hatred. He goes to a length of praying for his friends.
🔸In most cases, as it is in human nature, many people seek for revenge when they get into power to do that. They feel they should desert friends who didn't seem of any help when they needed them most.
🔸Christ's rule is love your neighbor as you love yourself. Pray for your enemies even when it hurts.
We should learn to release all resentment in order to enter into God's prepared future.
🔸 Let's do good, not doing it for men but doing it for God.
The bible says that we should act , not as though trying to please men, but trying to please God. You should love even when pains to do so.
🔸Human nature is difficult, people are difficult. If you want to teach people lessons, in the name of revenge, you will spend your entire life trying to teach people the end, you will fail to please God. 
🔸You cannot please God If you run after people's character.

*1 peter 4:12-13 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. .13 But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.

🔸There is no destiny that becomes a success without suffering. For example, the exam that you sit when you do a diploma is different from when you pursue a degree...and the ones at diploma are different from the ones at masters. But the grades and end results of these different students are different. Masters is higher grade yet tougher exams. 
🔸The best successes that have transpired have tough and hard stories behind them.
🔸The mountains that become so beautiful every sun rise and every sunset have a fire they have been into.
🔸If you think you are going through what you would refer to as the hardest time, know that God is preparing a mighty destiny ahead.
🔸Every single hard time that you face is a seed to your successful end.
🔸Job's suffering was not hanging alone, there was an end. Your suffering is not alone, there is an end. The end which is better than the beginning.

> Build the strong character through your trials - the character God is looking for.
>Endure and persist with Christ through deep valleys - there is a big mind behind the suffering.
>Move to please God and like Job, heed not to the human nature that demands revenge.
>If there is something to think about everyday, think about the big mind God has in your suffering.

By kutosi Simon.
Sunday 19th June 2022.

                            _83rd msg_


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