
 _INTRO_ : The time you received salvation as a precious gift from God was the time you gave up your precious soul into the hands of christ to have full control. He is the one you trust to take care of your soul and entire life . And therefore, whatever you go through; be it challenging, christ is in control and is able.

 _PROB_ : But the problem we have is that when we are confronted by challenges that seem beyond our control, we tend to give up so quickly and at worst, some give up on christ and faith in his power.

 _PURP_ : The purpose of this lesson is to strengthen our faith in the unlimited power of Christ to supply.

   >>> One of God's most remarkable traits is one of total faithfulness. The promises that are yes that He himself has degreed upon your life will surely come to pass. The bible rightly says ,that his word is like rain, when sent from his mouth into the souls of men, it does not go back without accomplishing it's purpose.
Whatever it is, good or bad, know for sure that what God created you to be will be so in Christ Jesus.

*Job 36:5-7 "God is mighty, but does not despise men; he is mighty, and firm in his purpose. .6 He does not keep the wicked alive but gives the afflicted their rights. .7 He does not take his eyes off the righteous; he enthrones them with kings and exalts them forever.

🔶God in his creation, never created anything useless. He made everything good for the fulfillment of his purpose.
In as much as he dresses the lilies like it is said in matthew 6, how much more will he care about that is in his beautiful image.
🔶God has a purpose for the least creatures in the deep sea; they that are not in his image. And If he does, it means you that is In his image hold more purpose.
🔶The challenges that you go through are not strange elements of life. They are everything that works out for his good.
🔶There is a journey that God is moving you through which is leading to a definite end. He takes you through this life with an aim.
God's word never returns to him without accomplishing reality.

*1 Peter 3:12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."
🔶When God gave up his only begotten son for the sake of humanity, it took a bit of his mind. He thought and planned it. To give up his only loved one, was to sacrifice for the most precious. You are precious. 
🔶In such a way, God plans for you even before you came to being. The bible in Jeremiah says that he knew you even before you were born.... meaning he held a plan for you even before you were born.
🔶But even like peter has put it, he gives attention to their prayers. You cannot give attention to what doesn't matter to you. If God gives attention to your prayers, meaning he cares about you. God would have given his attention to something else if he never cared about you.
🔶When we read in Job, we see how he suffered. But later ,we see how God comes in and makes all his plan come to pass. The bible says that God blessed job's later life better than the former. As job was going through the agony, God was busy drawing a plan.
🔶You may be wailing, suffering and questioning as to why God has let all these come to your Life. You may be stranded during an economic depression. But as you as wasting your tears, God is busy planning for your next stage.
🔶God will definitely remember you, and in your later part, the blessings will flow, shaken together and run over.
🔶The bible says that when the pains and sufferings of this world end, the agony in your life end, you will remember them no more.
You may be pressed down, but you will never be destroyed.

🔶When a tree is ready, the lumberer cuts it down. It may seem totally destroyed, but nevertheless, life picks up the stump and builds the tree again.
🔶The devil may have cut what you had grown last year, last month, be sure you are not completely down. God is yet to pick up the stump and build a better tree. God is yet to build a new somebody from you.

*Isaiah 42:9 See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you."
🔶Whatever the devil has done doesn't matter to God now, what matters now is the new thing that is yet to take place. What matters is the plan he wants to bring to reality. He is yet to take you into new realms. 
🔶God remembers you, you the tree that he planted here. Whatever damages the devil has caused are no more; new things are yet to spring forth.

> The devil has done enough. Whatever it is , God's plan in your life will surely come to pass.
>Stand firm in the light of God.
>There is a definite end God has for you . He remembered Job after all the tamil. 
>Even when everything is down, God remembers you.

By kutosi Simon.
Sunday 10th July 2022.

                            _85th msg_


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