
Showing posts from September, 2022


  BE THE KIND YOUR FUTURE DESIRES. Isaiah:32.8  But the noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands. --------------------------------------------      Many times, we plan to be the best version of ourselves in future. You plan to be a CEO, a district administrator, a great leader etc. However, the now circumstances don't reflect the then future that we hope to have. Not because you are being poor or being a failure now, but the character doesn't mirror what future you hope to have. The inner self that you depicte now is a rightful mirror of your future. You cannot say you hope for success if you speak failures all time. You cannot hope for a better health yet you speak illness now. You expect success, then start to speak success now, you hope for a good health, speak healthy now. Speak life. Speak increase. You know you hope to be a great leader in the future, plan now like great leaders plan, speak content that great leaders speak. Have the char...


SUNDAY SERVICE  SERMON:                 DOING GOOD ALWAYS.   _INTRO_ :  In the beginning, God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten son Jesus. Jesus overcame the world with love that was manifested from the beginning. He overcame sin by doing the good . You cannot overcome the world by doing the evil that is done in the world.    _PROB_ :  We try to fight the world with our weakness. We try to pay those that wrong us. We try  to overcome failure with weaknesses.   _PURP_ :  To enable us do good at all times no matter the circumstances and people.    >>>  When a person climbs a tree, does he lean on branches he well knows that they are weak? Does a person use a stick he well knows Is old and weak to hit a snake? Definitely No. The climber leans on branches he knows are strong enough to sustain him. And the one hitting a snake uses the strong wood.  It is ...


THE POOR SPIRIT.   Matthew:5.3  "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. --------------------------------------------      In the making of souls, God placed it in nature that there in inadequacy that desires one to turn to the sufficient for filling. One can not look for sufficiency if they do not realize the inadequacy within them. One cannot seek for holiness unless they realize the iniquity within their spirit. Those that are for the kingdom of heaven are those who realize the inadequacy within them and thrive for sufficiency from God their father. The kingdom of heaven is a kingdom of holiness, it is a kingdom of peace, kingdom of sufficient love, kingdom of unity. Those that are poor in the spirit are those who realize the thirsting need to seek for true love....; attaining the love is attaining the kingdom of heaven. Those that are poor realize the need to give to the needy, the need for kindness, the need for holi...