DOING GOOD ALWAYS.
 _INTRO_ :  In the beginning, God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten son Jesus. Jesus overcame the world with love that was manifested from the beginning. He overcame sin by doing the good . You cannot overcome the world by doing the evil that is done in the world. 

 _PROB_ :  We try to fight the world with our weakness. We try to pay those that wrong us. We try  to overcome failure with weaknesses.

 _PURP_ :  To enable us do good at all times no matter the circumstances and people.

   >>>  When a person climbs a tree, does he lean on branches he well knows that they are weak? Does a person use a stick he well knows Is old and weak to hit a snake? Definitely No. The climber leans on branches he knows are strong enough to sustain him. And the one hitting a snake uses the strong wood. 
It is leaning on strong material that enables one to go higher.  You cannot exploit the fullness of a tree when you depend on weak branches. There is a branch in your life that you must stop leaning on. 

* Galatians 6:9-10 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. .10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers._

   🔵The journey of goodness has never been smooth for anyone. The journey of kindness is one with  ups and downs like any other journey. You cannot be good and expect positive results from people always. You cannot continuously sow good seeds and expect only good responses always. 
   🔵Christ gave in his best to be good to mankind but he faced resistance and rejection from the point of death. However much you do good, there will always be rejection.
   🔵Doing Good therefore requires a strong persistent character in you. You need total patience when you're being the good kind. You need to be tolerant with all that happens around you as you perform good acts. The devil is never happy with cheerful givers, he is not happy with those that show genuine love, kndness. He will always look for ways of putting you down in your actions especially for believers. You will be disappointed by the people you show goodness. But then never give up. God never gives up on you. He never gets weary in protecting you, providing for you, giving the rain, however much we sin. Be patient and do your part of goodness.

     🔵Like the bible has said,...let us not get weary, the proper time, we will reap. There is a definite time God has set for you to reap whatever you sow. You never sow love and reap hatred from God. You never sow kindness and reap bitterness from God. 
You never sow hardwork and reap the worst. 
     🔵Do what you are supposed to do...there is a reward. Run that ministry, run that job, run that business, run that family, run that it all. There is an end that will graduate your efforts. Just do the good you are supposed to do . Just get up every morning and Open that shop, Just get up every morning and carry on that that you are supposed to carry. That cross may seem heavy now....but you never remember it's weight when the proper time to reap has come. You may seem overwhelmed now by what goes on in your life, by the kind of stubborn fellows you have all around all day, but when God gets you out of that hell in due time, you never remember the pain.
     🔵Non of the people that we know that have succeeded in the economy and in christ ministries never have a long story to tell. No body you know; that got the money you think,  has never had a time to tolerate all that happened around them; be it people or situations. There is a time they had to do....I mean just do that that they had to do regardless of the people around them and their circumstances. 
    🔵People have their weaknesses. Situations are not permanent. There are people who will cheer you and there are those who will discredit you. You cannot control what or who credits and discredits you, but you can control yourself. You cannot control the opinions that people have for or against you, but you can control your perceptions . Your destiny depends on you and not on people. Stop looking for what somebody has to say about you all the time. Looking at criticism will not necessarily stir you towards your God given destiny. Do what you are supposed to do without fail and without hesitation. There is a proper time to harvest. And by the way, when the bible says that there is a proper time, it means now may not be the proper time. Your acts may not show the positive impact now. Simply because now is not the proper time. Just keep doing, and never give up...there will be a time to harvest.

* _1 Thessalonians 5:15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else._
   🔵Christ never overcame sin with sin. He never overcame the evil people with evil. He overcame hatred with love. He did the good that He was supposed to do.
Evil and  those that criticize will never lack in someone's life. Where there is light, there is darkness.
   🔵You may never change the way others think and talk about you, but you can change the way you think and talk about yourself.
   🔵Life is too short to chase after evil people. You cannot become wise among fools if you depicte the same character as they do. You cannot become a different soul among the many if you move the journey  they move. You need to move your own journey. Build your own character. Be the good kind that God expects you to be. The bible in Romans says that doing good to your enemies regardless of the bad they have done is like heaping burning coal over their heads. You make them feel more guilty and shameful.
   🔵Doing good is a sign of evangelism. _Matthew 5:16.  In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven._
   🔵You cannot tell the world how much God loves If you don't love. If christ truly lives in you, give what you have been blessed with. Love is above all. There is somebody who needs your love. Someone needs your smile. Sow the seeds of love, kindness. In such a way you will be telling the world that He that lives in you is greater than one who lives in the world.

> Never-never ever give up on goodness. God never gives up on you.
> Whatever you do has its reward in the proper time.
> If there is one thing you should do to spread God's kingdom to the world, it is doing good all time.

By kutosi Simon.
Sunday 11th Sept 2022.
                            _86th msg_


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