Revelations 12:11
They overcame him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
as to shrink from death.

   The blood of the lamb of God is the most precious blood that was shed for our sake. Christ didn't spend His blood for nothing. He didn't shed it for animals or creatures out there. ; He shed it for you. Not just to wash your sins but to redeem you from all that the devil may have staged against you.

The blood is precious. It is one thing we have as a precious gift from God. The blood binds that that is loose. Your family may have been cursed, the blood uproots what had been planted. There is a great force and a powerful signature of the Holy Spirit that has been embedded within the blood. Nothing can over power it. It flows from the body of Christ to wipe out all the trash that the devil sets on the floor. To wash all sin, all iniquity. To wash all that that has tied your life. If you believe the blood, it will rewrite the future that the devil had killed. You are precious before God.  To give you His blood, I mean His life, means you are highly loved.

God in His art speaks words that are but great knowledge of His power that is far sharper than a double aged sword. The wisdom spoken is a hammer that dismantles all rocks and moves all mountains. It leaves great impact to those who believe through the name of the Christ. 
Christ to pour out His preciousness to us, (holding in mind that any precious thing to any being is their life),; means He had what He considered very precious like His life. The blood poured is for you and me. There is power in the blood.

                 _GOD BLESS YOU_

Simon kutosi  
                                  _85th msg_


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