_INTRO_ :  Nothing in this world is achieved without embracing a tidous journey. Every destiny has a challenge attached to it. Getting to any point requires patience and endurance. It requires you to wait. What God has in our future, the good things...they require you to wait upon Him for divine drive.

 _PROB_ :  The problem we have as Christians is that we are impatient and always want quick fixes. We don't desire to wait for the maturity of something before we can get it. Any it is in nature; anxiety. But we can overcome.

 _PURP_ :  The purpose of this lesson therefore is to impart gentless and patience while we strive to get the goodness we have to in Christ.

   >>>  There is a saying that those that run quickly run short distances and that those that run slowly run further. Quick fixes never yield eternal yields. It is for a moment. Waiting upon the Lord is waiting for the best.

* Proverbs 8:33-36 33 Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. 34 Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. 35 For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord. 36 But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death.”

     From Adam to Jesus, there has not been a person we study about from the scripture that has not been patient in their walk with God. Everyone has painfully waited and they successfully achieved what they desired.
     ⭕ The story of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1:1 is interesting, Hannah married to Elikanah with a cocubine by the name peninnah, was Buren year in year out. Meanwhile, peninnah bore Elikanah kids. Regardless of that, Elikanah loved the Buren woman more that the other. Though it was so,  Hannah wasn't happy. And making matters worse, peninnah could throw words at her just to irritate her. This went on year after year.
⭕Hannah wept, she cried out to the Lord. It wasn't just one cry and God answered. It was several times. She prayed and waited upon the Lord. She never gave up. God too never gave up hearing her cry and prayers. She at one time conceives a powerful prophet, one that changed Nations. Her enemies were surely ashamed and alarmed at that. Her whole view of life changed. She lived happy.
There is something God has in store for you. It is great. God's blessing not only changes you alone but also those that surround you. He has something great that will change your whole look and the way people look at you. He is waiting for you to wait. Just wait.

   ⭕  Planting a seed is one step to growing crops. Watering them is another. Weeding, pruning are all necessary steps to the growth of a plant. The one that will feed the Nations. Waiting is the other important. God may have planted a seed in you. You may have set a prayer request. It is not doing one thing that will change and grow everything. It is putting all the necessary inputs to what you have sown, to your destiny that will come together to work for the good. Waiting is allowing all these elements to interplay and produce the desired output.
⭕Nothing in nature has no principle of waiting. You put in and wait for the reactions and time to grow. 

* Colossians 3:12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
  ⭕   The important aspect Colossians talks about is "as God's chosen". Simply put it like this, you cannot be God's chosen without the element of patience... gentless. "As" means that as you know you are in such shoes, be sure you are having patience, gentleness and the like. Because lacking them will not validate you.
  ⭕  You cannot become who God wants you to become without being a waiter. You have to exercise patience as one element that validates you as a chosen one.
⭕  A spirit without patience normally produces arrogance and pride in the end. But one who confronts challenges and patiently waits becomes humble and Christlike. You become what God desires.

⭕The challenges we face  train us in becoming what God has purposed us to become. They train you in patience.
⭕It doesn't mean God has forgotten you. He is waiting for the better person to come out of you.
⭕It doesn't mean waiting for too long God has forgotten all about your prayers, it means he is providing enough time for the ripening of the best fruits that you may never stop desiring.
⭕God loves you dear, he needs you to be the best version. He is not taking too long... neither is he being late to accomplishing your prayers; he is in the right time. Moving in God's right time is peaceful, because you receive the right amount in right times without regret.

⚫Never give up on God, he has never given up on you.
⚫Pray without tiring. Pray and love God more through you efforts to make him know your deep pain.
⚫Wait, wait, wait.... God is faithful, He will surely come to your rescue no matter the circumstances. Like Hannah who waited for many years, your patience will be a turning point for many...in Jesus's name.

By  Simon Kutosi.
Sunday ,4th December 2022.
                            89th msg


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