_INTRO_ :  In as much as good and evil exist, positive and negative exit. There is failure and there is success. There is sin and there is holiness. There is heaven and hell. There is God and there devil. 
We have to be very aware that in whatever level of life we find ourselves in, there is a weakness and there is a strength. There is something to cry about and there is something to be happy about....and yet your spirit has to be positive all the time.

 _PROB_ :  Whenever we encounter challenges and situations that seem beyond our control, we tend to be negative. Such negativity makes us miss out the good things.

 _PURP_ :  To motivate our hearts to stay positive all the time.

   >>>  Life is full of ups and downs. There are mountains and there are plains and there are valleys. There is light and there is darkness. We cannot reach a point where is complete happiness and complete peace. The poor man desires to rich in order to have the car the rich man drives. But the rich are also crying to have peace. You cannot admire one state of life and think you have it all. You have to be greatful of the things you have.
So how do we be positive spirited.

 * Hebrew 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
   🔶Being contented with what you have doesn't mean you don't have desire to get better. Being contented means you recognize what you have as what you deserve at that material time and in due time you will get something else you desire. It means you live life the way it is without forcing what isn't present at the time. Of course you desire to be better but what is on table now is struggle. 
Love for money is one thing that drives away positive spirit...a spirit with contentment. The kind of spirit that loves money normally goes all length to get it. Such a spirit never desires to embrace struggle. They want everything now. They are greedy with the little or the much that they have. They never love to offer money in God's house. They love money. They never give to others using money. The feel it's not necessary. Such a spirit is on a quick run to get money and is never positive.

 * Philippians 4:11-12 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
   🔶Being contented is understanding the two sides of the coin. There is lack and there is plenty. There is January and there is December. There is a rainy season and there is a sunny season. You understand that one time you can have and one time you can lack. 
The element of contentment balances your spirit in terms of desire. It neutralizes you. You fall at peace in any circumstance. You become positive at all times.
To have a positive spirit, try to be contented and know one time you will get.

In Exodus 14, we see how Moses is confronted with a might challenge that makes people speak all kinds of words. They mock Moses and question him why he picked them from Egypt to bring them to the desert. These people were driven by a strong negative spirit. Many times having such a negative spirit makes you do the things you wouldn't have done. You are simply driven mad. 
The challenges may come our way but we shall not be destroyed.

 * 2 Corinthians 4:8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;

🔶Moses knew deep within him that however much such challenges come our way, we will not be destroyed. God who started the good work shall see it complete. Moses was full of positive spirit. And just then. God intervenes and drives them out.
There is always a way. 

   🔶When the Israelites sinned against God, He normally destroyed them. He destroyed those with negative spirit. Even when Moses himself reached a point in the desert of zin where the Israelites were ineed of water. He didn't honor the Lord enough in the eyes of the people. He lost the positive spirit. He told the people he and Aron would bring water out of the rock...and didn't uphold God. The Lord told him that he won't bring the community to the promised land.
Having a negative spirit drives out God's spirit. The spirit of God works with a holy and positive spirit. 
You cannot say you love God if you don't trust in him with a positive spirit.
 🔶  You cannot recognize the sins you have with a negative spirit. You cannot repent within your heart with a negative spirit. You need a positive spirit to recognize that you have fallen short of the glory of God and that you need restoration. You need the positive spirit to commune with the spirit of God. You need the positive spirit to overcome that overcome overcome the Powers of darkness. Many that have backslidden in salvation have done so because of a negative spirit. They tell you pray and fast and you ask put wisdom aside and argue using the mind and intellect. 
You cannot dig into the depth of knowledge and understanding without a positive spirit. You cannot move the ladder of wealth without a positive spirit. You need a positive spirit to over overcome fear.

 * Ecclesiastes 3:20 So I saw that there is nothing better for a man than to enjoy his work, because that is his lot. For who can bring him to see what will happen after him?
 * Ecclesiastes 8:15 So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun.

    🔶 Many people always think the enjoyment of life is only for the rich. " When you have money you enjoy life" . That is an old saying by broke people. Every digit of life that a man finds on Earth is worth of enjoyment. The labor that you do can derive enjoyment. 
Some people think that given places are only visited by tycoons. Some foods are eaten by tycoons. Well. There are special foods that if you were to eat...will need you to sell your house!..,... that is understandable!. But such luxuries are not found anywhere. The fact is that some things are beyond our pockets. But that doesn't mean you cannot enjoy life. There is alot that surrounds us that can make life enjoyable. But because some people have all this negative mind about them they shy away from them. 
 🔶  Life is short. God has given us a full basket that we can enjoy from. Work your money, eat ,live on to enjoy. We are not here to be subjects to the earth, the earth is subject to us. Get out at one point and go somewhere you have never been before. You can afford some "10k" to enjoy some cold drink besides some precious meal in town. Though not spending like there is no tomorrow, Afford some money and maybe once a year take your self on a tour. If you can't enjoy the basketful of life that God has put before you, then someone else will enjoy it in your absentia. 
A positive spirit knows how to do that. You need to drive your life with positivity. The mind of " I Can Do That".

⚫ The world has a lot of goodness that is untapped by you. God plans to set you in enjoyments and not suffering.
⚫ God works with the positive spirit. The miracle you need needs you to be positive spirited.
⚫ Always believe there is a way . Be the person someone admires. Have the spirit of hope and enthusiasm... optimistic about the good future God has for us.
⚫ The purity of the heart is the dominance of the positive things God desires you to have through the power of Christ.

By  Simon Kutosi.
Sunday, 29th January 2023.
                            _90th msg_


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